I would love to wholeheartedly thank The Most High for His gift of Salvation and unending mercies He bestows upon me and my loved ones each day.
My name is Taiwo Jaiyesimi a.k.a Tai Jay of God Praiser Worshipper Music.
Last month the 13th of Sept marked a significant 51st year for me. Last year at my 50th birthday last year, I felt ungrateful and thought of what I could give back to God in my own little way knowing that all I have was given by Him. Then a topic Pst Leke Sanusi had once preached a long time ago came to my spirit (What do you have in your hand?)
I thought long and hard and by the help of the Holy Spirit answered …Talents/gifts

Like the Psalmist said in Ps116: verses 12&14, “What can I offer the LORD for all his goodness to me?”“In the assembly of all his people I will give him what I have promised.”
At least I know I can sing by His grace, I then promised to release a song on the 13th of every month of my 50th year to my 51st year. Meaning I would be releasing to the world 12 songs of praise to God as a token of His mercies over me.
To the glory of God, despite all hinderances, battles and distractions, 12 songs have been released to glorify God. The last song of my 50th year was released on my 51st birthday titled (Happy Birthday ) and I am here O Lord to declare Your faithfulness in the midst of Your people. .
I want to thank my Honey Pst Leke Jaiyesimi and my parents in the Lord Pastors Leke and Bola Leke-Sanusi for their consistent prayer on every single song I have released even before my 50th. May you live long for us in Jesus name. Amen.
Saints of God, I am hereby encouraging everyone to give to God out of the abundance of His love poured out to us. As a form of evangelising the gospel, I gave something. I challenge you to do likewise.
Like the Psalmist, I will give God praise in and out of season because I know the countries and continents I cannot get to, the songs God gave me will bless souls. Please kindly share and subscribe (on Tai Jay GPW or www.Godpraiserworshipper.com)to promote the gospel of JESUS CHRIST and you shall be blessed in Jesus’ name Amen.
I therefore ask you brethren, what do you have in Your hands for God to bless and multiply like Elijah ask the widow of Zarephath? .
Have a great service.