I am giving this testimony to the Glory of God. And to the shame of the devil.
Firstly. I want to thank God for the salvation of my soul, and directing my steps to Victory House, the house of prayers.
I thank God,  I have been suffered from anxiety, and stagnation for 7 years, I want to thank God for the healing and deliverance service, I received my divine healing from stagnation and anxiety. All what has been making me to have anxiety,  panics are all resolved permanently to the Glory of God.
I am shouting 7 Halleluyah to God for this complete healing.
God dwells in this tarbanacle,  and at HIS OWN TIME, He maketh all things beautiful.
Please my Brothers and Sister clef unto this alter of fire🔥, God answers prayers.

Thank you and God bless you all.
You will all testify to His goodness IJMN