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?Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.? ? Romans 8: 37; ?From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.? Galatians 6: 17

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I want to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and mercy in opening the door of employment for me. After finishing my studies for over a year, I waited indefinitely but God was so merciful. I remember the first day I went for the interview, I wobbled and I wasn’t sure of how my performance would turn out that day. I went home thanking God for the experience and I said I’ll use the experience garnered to improve my performance at the next interview. To the glory of God, they called me and offered me the job. When I got there, I asked them why I was offered the job as I believed that other interviewees were better and more experienced. She asked if I attended Victory House and I answered “Yes” since I had already disclosed what I do on my application form. She then told me that her pastor and my pastor were friends. I was pleasantly surprised. I thank God for this uncommon favour. - Sis Nena Okoro

I would like to thank the Lord for His mercy and His grace upon my life. This time last month, I was down with illness on a hospital bed. I thank God for what He has done in my life because that time last year, I lost an elder sister to cancer and the whole family were still mourning so when I fell sick everyone was scared and my mum began to wonder what was going on. I want to thank God for healing me. I thank God for those who were lifting me up in prayers. I bless the name of the Lord and I say may His holy name be praised for ever - Anonymous

I want to thank God for my successful completion of the School of Discipleship course. I thank God for keeping me and allowing me to go through all the classes. Secondly I thank God for protecting my dad. While preparing for the burial of his mum, he parked his car on the side of the road and went to a nearby shop to get something and before he returned, a trailer had crashed into his vehicle, crushing it completely. Some people were there but nobody lost their life. Crucially, my dad’s seat was vacant at the time of the accident. I thank God for His protection – Raimi Muyideen Olufemi

I am giving this testimony to the glory of the Lord, for His mercies love and for the great things He has done for me and my children. One of my children back home was travelling from Zaria to Abuja with his friend. On the way, they boarded a passenger bus. While travelling, the bus was involved in an accident and all the passengers on the bus except my son and his friend survived the accident. I thank God for what He has done in my life and that of my children – Anonymous

I want to thank God for returning me home safety last week. I also want to thank the Lord for the life of my third child who turned 10 this month. Also, there is this document which the devil had been withholding from my family since 1984 when my father died but the Lord returned it within two weeks. Praise the Lord - Anonymous

I am an overseas trained pharmacist and it has really been tough but last year I was admitted into the university but one of my course mates there told me she was the only black on the course and she failed. A failure means you cannot practice pharmacy any longer in the UK. Truly, in my first semester the devil showed me he meant business because out of four courses I sat for, I passed only one. To God’s glory, He proved Himself. In my second semester, I passed all my courses and all my resits. Even one of my toughest lecturers confessed to me that he doesn’t know why he just likes me. I give God the glory. While others were finding it difficult to secure a place for internship, I got a place within one week. I give God all the glory - Anonymous.