Phone: 44 207 252 7522

"A House Of Prayer For All Nations" raises, prepares and fully equips Christians who through prayer and holy living, take communities and cities for God while also encouraging believers to discover their own ministry gifts and guiding them to help and positively impact lives and win souls for Christ.


At our services you can expect to experience: 12 VICTORIES!

  • An unmistakable presence of the Holy Spirit who fully takes charge.
  • A powerful praise/worship which brings down God's glorious presence.
  • An opening of the heavens through fervent and effectual prayers.
  • A preaching and teaching of the full counsel of God.
  • A confirmation of God's Word through signs and wonders resulting in Salvation, Healing and Deliverance.
  • A direct impartation and empowerment through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • A dedicated time for welcoming and praying for first attendees, visitors and prospective members.
  • A faith building session of testimonies of God's miraculous power in our midst.
  • A special recognition of your birthdays, anniversaries with thanksgiving to God and prayers for you.
  • A time to making friends and building Godly relationships.
  • A time to learn and apply principles of prosperity.
  • A time of prophetic declaration of God's plans, purpose and promises for your life.