Ps 119:133
Order my steps in your word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

——Father throughout this year, let your word order my life, let your will be done in my life , let your word be my guide, let me be led by your word in Jesus’ name.

——Father deliver me from the power of sin, don’t let sin have dominion over me, don’t let sin have the upper hand in my life, father give me the power to say no to sin.

Series for the month—-Gods word in my world

Divided into 4 parts

Past topics
Gods word in my heart
Gods word in my relationships

Today’s topic: God’s word in my work

How does the word of God apply to my work

Text: Colossians 3:23-24

What is work

The dictionary defines work as an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

Work is not just paid work
Work is anything that involves mental or physical ability in order to achieve a purpose

——Which means we are all involved in one type of work or another

Code for Christian workers

My work is work done for GodCol 3:23

Work like God is your employer
Be God’s representative in what you do
you can’t be  involved in anything that will not honour God. Pro 11:1

2. My work sets the standard for others.  Titus 2:7-8
Be a good example
People are watching you
People are following and copying you. 1Cor 11:1

3.  My work enables me to succeed. Pr 14:23, Pr 22:29, Pro10:4. Pro12:24. Pro 13:4

And in Jn 5:17—-My father is always working and so am I

——God always rewards hard work
E.g Daniel. He was a slave in Babylon but he was diligent and God rewarded him.  Dan 2:48
